Wednesday, 19 February 2020

gym time

had a good session at the back alley gym today. need to keep in shape for my up and coming fights . thanks for all your support xx

fight at the freelove party

KATYS OWN WORDS : so there i was at the international freelove party one we all usually attend nude and i was having a drink when some big titted blonde came over saying her boyfriend was a fan of mine and had i been fucking him so i told her no ( for once i hadnt  ) . then she started shoving me and all hell broke losse so i put the fat bitch on her arse !!. much to the delight of other guests so i celebrated lol . thanks to everyone who follws katy here at her blog and on imvu . also thanks to everyone who downloads from the Bitchfight uk catfight store at  . katy fights under the banner of  . xx

New years eve brawl . katy vs lucy . final part .

 lucy climbed on top as they exchanged punches and slaps and it looked like it was over for katy as lucy pounded her but katy wasnt done and...